Dr Eric Levi
FRACS, MBBS, B.Sc, PgDipSurgAnat, MPH&TM
Consultant Otolaryngologist Head & Neck Surgeon, St.Vincent’s Hospital and The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, The University of Melbourne, Australia Eric is a Melbourne based (sorry!) Paediatric and Adult Airway Head & Neck surgeon with a subspecialty focus on airway reconstruction and Paediatric Head & Neck tumours. He trained in Melbourne and took on 3 further Fellowships: Advanced Head & Neck & Facial Plastic Surgery in Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada, Paediatric ENT in Brisbane and then another Paediatric ENT Fellowship at Starship Auckland. He is a member of the St.Vincent’s Adult Head & Neck Tumour MDT, The Royal Children’s Solid Tumour MDT, Vascular Anomalies Clinic, Saliva Control Clinic, Complex Airway Group, and Tracheostomy MDT Clinic. He is a Senior Lecturer at The University of Melbourne, a Fellow at Murdoch Children's Research Institute, Director of Melbourne ENT Airway Clinic and an Executive of Australian & New Zealand Society of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology. His research and publications are in the areas of airway pathology, saliva surgery, and paediatric tumours. He is a frequent invited speaker on topics including Clinician Wellbeing, Leadership, Teaching and Sustainability. He is a collector of puns and dad jokes. During anaesthesia turnaround time he is most likely found on Social Media platforms creating ENT contents.