Professor Tim WilkinsonActing Dean, Otago Medical School, NZ
Tim Wilkinson is Professor in Medicine and medical education at the University of Otago, New Zealand. He is currently also acting Dean for the Otago Medical school. He was the MBChB programme director 2013-2021. He has a MClinEd, PhD and MD that are all in medical education. His research interests are assessment of clinical competence and performance, workplace learning, selection into medical school, career paths, and professionalism. He holds editorship roles on four medical education journals. He is the Censor for the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. He works as a consultant physician in geriatric medicine.
Learning in WorkplacesLearning in workplaces is messy – it is unpredictable, hard to control and hard to plan for. Tim Wilkinson will look at ways people learn, and what we know about learning on the job to find ways to help others learn in workplaces. Some of this relates to learning from experiences, the notion of intersubjectivity, attending to team dynamics not just team function, and coaching around clinical reasoning.