Anne BurstonVestibular Physiotherapist, Kapiti Dizziness and Balance Centre, NZ
Anne runs her own Physiotherapy practice, Kapiti Dizziness and Balance Centre, treating people with vestibular and balance disorders. She has 23 years experience treating people with BPPV and has developed a training app "BPPV Relief" for Health Professionals which is now used by many practioners treating BPPV nationally and internationally. She has published research in 2011 "Äre there diurnal variations in the results of the Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre?" Anne teaches regular Introductory and Advanced Vestibular Rehabilitation courses for Physiotherapists.
BPPV Assessment and ManagementThis will be a practical interactive workshop to review assessment and treatment manoeuvres for BPPV affecting posterior, horizontal and anterior canals.