Dr David GraysonFRACS, Otolaryngologist and Clinical Lead for Patient Safety & Patient Experience, Waitematā DHB, Auckland, NZ
David is an Otolaryngologist and Clinical Lead for Patient Safety & Patient Experience at North Shore Hospital, Waitematā DHB in Auckland, NZ. David has a longstanding interest in innovative approaches for safer care and better patient experiences using digital health technologies and process improvement. He has previously worked and held clinical director roles at Hawke’s Bay DHB and Counties Manukau Health prior to his current position.
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Features of a Multicore-Periphery ORL Network Supporting Care Closer to Home
Our understanding of the design of healthcare service delivery has evolved with increasing appreciation of complex systems and the role of formal and informal networks. Various network models have been tested with a ‘hub and spoke’ proposed for specialty care. An alternative model, the ‘multicore-periphery network’, has advantages for patients, clinicians and funders, the features of which will be discussed in this presentation.
Our understanding of the design of healthcare service delivery has evolved with increasing appreciation of complex systems and the role of formal and informal networks. Various network models have been tested with a ‘hub and spoke’ proposed for specialty care. An alternative model, the ‘multicore-periphery network’, has advantages for patients, clinicians and funders, the features of which will be discussed in this presentation.